Policies & Procedures
Medics Camp Code of Conduct:
We believe that a positive camp experience strengthens and builds a child’s self esteem. Our camp code of conduct rules are simple:
Be safe
Be respectful of people and property
Keep your hands to yourself
Speak nicely to each other
Touch only what belongs to you
Stay within the designated camp activity area
Listen to your counselors
Ask for help if you need it
Violation Examples:
Endangering the health and safety of themselves, other campers, and/or staff or volunteers.
Stealing, damaging, or failing to care for Medics Camp equipment or property
Stealing, damaging, or failing to care for facility property or the property of others.
Continual disruption of the program.
Refusal to follow the behavior guidelines.
Inappropriate physical contact.
Using profanity or inappropriate language or displaying clothing with offensive content.
Bullying or acts of aggression or violence.
Possession or use of illegal substances, tobacco, or alcohol.
Possession of weapons - any object that may cause harm to another or place another person in fear of his/her safety, may be considered a weapon.
Code of Conduct Remediation Steps:
Medics Camp Staff will redirect the camper to a more appropriate behavior.
The camper will be reminded of the behavior guidelines.
Repeated behaviors which are unacceptable at camp will be communicated to parents at sign out or if necessary, we will call you.
Staff will document the situation. The written documents will include what the behavior problem was, what provoked the problem, and the corrective action(s) taken.
If the behavior persists, the Camp Director may find it necessary to have the camper picked up early from camp and they may be asked not to return.
If a camper's behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of themselves, other campers, or staff, the parent/guardian will be notified and expected to pick-up the child immediately.
Note: In order to ensure that all campers have a positive experience we reserve the right to withdraw a child from Medics Camp if they are unable to comply with our Code of Conduct. There will be no refunds given for campers who are withdrawn from the program due to violations of the Code of Conduct.
For medications other than an auto-injector/EpiPen, a Medication Record Form must be completed for any required medication to be administered to your child during camp. The Medication Record Form and medication is to be given to your child’s camp instructor who will keep it in a secure location. The team member who assists your child with their medication will sign the form confirming they observed the medication was taken and at what time.
Procedure when sending medication to camp:
1. Upon arrival to camp on the first day, please notify the Camp Director that your child needs to take medication during camp hours. They will provide you with a Medication Consent form. You must read, fill out, and sign the form stating the type of medication, dosage and dispensing time.
2. Send the medication in the original prescribed container.
3. Medication should be given directly to the Camp Director by an authorized parent/guardian.
Life Saving Medications: If your child requires an auto-injector/EpiPen or inhaler, they must be kept with the child in a portable labeled bag (ie: fanny pack) for the entire day or given to your camp instructor who will keep it safe and readily available for use if needed. Registrations that indicate severe allergies requiring an Epi pen will be required to complete a separate auto-injector/Epi Pen Consent form and this will be provided to you on the first day of camp.
Emergency Procedures Onsite:
All Medics Camp staff members have a first aid kit and access to the emergency medical services (911). Camp instructors and counselors are certified in Standard First Aid & CPR Level C. For minor injuries your child will be assessed and treated by a member of our Medics Camp team and an incident report will be provided to you for acknowledgement and signature at the end of the day at pick up. In the unlikely event of a serious injury or condition, emergency medical services (911) will be called immediately to respond to the situation. The parent or person listed as the emergency contact on the registration form will be contacted immediately with information regarding the incident. If an ambulance is required to transport your child to the hospital, a member of our staff will accompany your child and remain with him/her until a parent arrives, so that a child is never left unattended.
Snacks and Lunch Onsite:
Please send your child with a nut-free healthy lunch and two snacks for the day as well as a reusable water bottle. Water bottle refill stations are available onsite, and we encourage campers to hydrate on their own as well as during scheduled hydration breaks.
Medics Camp has a nut-free policy. In our pre-camp communications, we may also ask that you refrain from sending your child with other food items should another child in your child’s camp have a severe, life threatening allergy.
Medics Camp staff strive to create an allergy-safe environment but please note that this does not imply a guarantee that there is zero risk. Medics Camp staff use the following safe eating procedures:
Children with severe allergies are given a colored bracelet on day 1 to identify them
Children are not allowed to share or sample food with other campers at any time
All children are required to wash their hands before and after eating
All tables and eating surfaces are washed before and after eating using Lysol brand disinfecting wipes
Camp experiments that include food as part of the activity are only used if the manufacturer label says they are nut-free and were made in a nut-free facility.
Communicable Disease Policies and Procedures:
Medics Camp is a medical science based camp and we continue to implement measures that reduce the risk of disease transmission. We want to keep all campers, staff and families safe. Just as we have a NO NUTS policy to protect those with severe allergies, we have policies and procedures to keep our campers and staff with other medical conditions safe too.
Temperature Check: If a camper appears visibly ill, a forehead temperature check will be taken.
Masks: While not currently required we fully support campers who choose to wear them. Remember, doctors wear them to protect themselves and others too.
Handwashing and Sanitizing: Campers and staff will be required to wash hands before and after food breaks and this is scheduled in our programming. Hand sanitizer will also be available in each camp room. Tables and any high contact surfaces in the camp rooms will be sanitized by staff in the morning before camp, after the snack and lunch break and at the end of each camp day.
Camp Staff:
Each Medics Camp location has a Director and/or Assistant Director who is responsible for the safety and well-being of all of onsite campers, ensuring the delivery of Medics Camp programming, and communicating with parents. The Medics Camp team is comprised of instructors who are responsible for the delivery of our Medics Camp programming to their respective age group (L1 L2 L3, or FALCON) and they are supported by a team of counselors, co-op students and volunteers who are responsible for assisting with activities, experiments and games in the camp room and supervising and ensuring camper safety during breaks and outside time. Instructor backgrounds vary from camp to camp, but we look for university students and new grads who have studied a health related discipline and have experience teaching and working with children. All instructors must have satisfactory vulnerable sector screening and be certified in standard first aid and CPR.
Camper/Instructor Ratios Onsite:
In order to ensure a high level of supervision and safety we meet or exceed the following staff to camper ratios.
Age 6 and under - 1:8
Age 7 and above - 1:10
Drop-off/Pick-up Onsite:
The safety of our campers is our number one priority so it’s important that everyone is aware of our process for drop-off and pick-up. All campers will need to be signed-in to Medics Camp every morning. Instructors will wait up to 15 minutes past the scheduled start time for all campers to arrive before beginning the first programming block, so please text the director at 647-428-0004 if your child is running more than 15 minutes late for arrival or will be absent from camp that day so that programming for the rest of the group isn’t unnecessarily delayed.
Absent Campers:
If your camper is going to be away and will not be attending camp, please call or text the director at 647-428-0004 before 9:00 a.m. on that day. Alternatively, you can also communicate in advance to a team member when you drop off/pick up your child. Refunds or credits are not provided for any missed days.
Sick Campers:
If your child is not going to attend Medics Camp for a day due to illness, we appreciate being notified as early as possible either by phone or text. (see absent camper contact info above). Refunds or credits are not provided for any missed days for any reason.
Early Pick-Up:
If campers are being picked up early (before 3:30 pm) from camp, please notify us in advance. When possible, we’ll try to modify our program activity schedule for that day so that your child doesn’t miss too much.
For the Safety of your child, only those on the Authorized Pick-Up list will be permitted to pick-up your child from camp. Be prepared to provide photo ID and family PIN. We understand that sometimes your legal name is different from a preferred name listed on the registration so we have added a family PIN feature to all registrations starting in 2025.
Self-Sign Out: If your child age 9+ and you’d like to give them permission to sign themself out, you must complete a waiver form and bring it with you on the first day of camp, email it to info@medicscamp.com with "SSO Waiver" in the subject line. Medics Camp is not responsible for a camper once they have been signed out.
Late Pick-Up:
You MUST pick up your child no later than 4pm at our Richmond Hill and Markham locations. Our building permit now ends at 4pm and everyone-staff and campers ALL must be out of the building before 4pm. There is no grace period. If your child is not picked up by 4pm a $5 late fee for every minute past 4pm will automatically be charged to your account. We apologize for the strict policy but even a minute late violates our building permit agreements and jeopardizes our ability to operate Medics Camp.
Toronto location only: will offer paid extended care from 4pm-5pm for an additional fee. Everyone must be out of the building before 5pm. There is no grace period. If your child is not picked up by 5pm from our Toronto location a $5 late fee for every minute past 5pm will automatically be charged to your account.
Refund Policy:
The Medics Camp refund policy can be found on our website under cancellations. Since the dates vary from year to year, we don’t include it in this document. Our cancellation policy was also included in your registration and by registering your child for Medics Camp you agreed to our terms. You can view the forms you filled out upon registering by logging in to CampBrain our registration system.
Camp Onsite Emergencies:
In the unlikely event of a non medical emergency at camp, (fire, lockdown, weather etc.) our staff has been trained for site specific safety and emergency protocols. All Emergency procedures are reviewed with our campers on the first day of each camp.